Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Well this week went by fast and I'm writing you guys on Tuesday because well I spent my whole Monday in Xalapa!! But I'll save why for the end of the letter. Well we had changes and I am staying here in Espinal and my companion Elder Cobox is going to Xalapa. He was super sad to leave and well I didn't want him to leave either but the Lord needs his help there and I know he's going to bless tons and tons of lives there. Being his companion I have learned BASTANTE from this amazing elder. He knew the scriptures like the back of his hand and could bring the spirit to any lesson quicker than you can imagine. I wouldn't be surprised if he made it to assistant soon.

In our last week together we spent lots of time teaching our recent converts and searching for new people. He has helped me more than he probably knows and I'm super grateful for the opportunity to be his companion for a short 3 months. BUT awesome news and the reason why I went to Xalapa is because I'm training a new missionary!! WOOOO! I got the call Saturday morning and since then I've been soooo excited. I left for Xalapa Monday morning at 9 and arrived a little after 1. We went straight to the mission house and I met all the new missionaries as well as all the trainers. It shocked me to find out that of all the trainers I had the least time in the mission and immediately feelings of how am I going to train or how can I do this when I have such little time? We had a class of president and the trainers just before and something he said in this meeting took all the doubt and questions and threw them all away. He told us about the time that he had been thinking about who he wanted to train for this change, and that well none of us are there because he wanted us to be there. But with lots and lots of prayer he received our names one by one. I know this is going to be tough. Still learning the Spanish and meanwhile teaching someone how to teach. It sounds impossible. But I know that I won't be teaching him alone. That we are a companionship of three and there's two trainers here.

My new companion is named Elder Aviña. (av-een-ya). He's from Mexico in some city I still don't understand, but it's close to Guadalajara. Before we received our companions, our president has each new missionary stand up and share his testimony. And something I loved that my companion said in his is I'm ready to work. I'm ready help to give the gift that two missionaries gave me and my family a while ago. I'm ready to help change lives. He said this because the reality is we don't convert people. Physically we visit and spend time with them yes. And share small talks. But the key thing and ultimate reason we are here is to bring the spirit into the lives of people. Let them feel this joy and peace they haven't felt before. Or maybe just hadn't recognized it at first. And then guide them where they want to go.

Missionary work in a short  (almost) 7 months has blessed my life to the extreme. I love this place and this work with all my heart. I'm more than happy here and I'm trying to use all the time I have to its full potential. I love you guys and I really miss you all. Try to share the gospel with someone new. Doing it day to day to day has showed me that thinking in myself might make me happy for a week. Maybe a month or two. But through serving every day here in the mission, it's no longer like that. Every day is filled with love and joy and happiness and I wouldn't trade this time for ANYTHING!


Elder Babcock

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